Mojave Expedition: March 19-23, 2012


Research topics:

  1. Impact of elevation and soil water content on the microbial abundance and diversity of biological soil crusts.

  1. Mathematical simulation of surface growth patterns of biological soil crusts.

program Tasks:

  1. Developing standards-based lesson plans for astrobiology.

  1. Building a real-time web-based expedition map.

  1. Learn about planetary protection at NASA.

Background material

Biological Soil Crusts:  Maestre 2006; Yeager 2007; Belnap 2004

Cholorphyll Extraction:  Castle 2010; Bowker 2002

Quantitative PCR & Sequencing:  Redfield 2002; Nagy 2005; Soule 2009

march 2012 Roster

Spaceward bound alumni: 

Cal Poly Pomona:  Geoffrey Payton, Carly Gott, Sneha Tharayil, Monica Santander, Sarah Saleemi, Ruben Hovanesian

San Francisco State University:  Alixandria Torres-Vaughn, Norma Hernandez, Genn Pinnick

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo:  Michaela Brant, Allison Scheppelmann, Kristin Symer, Raechel Harnoto

CSU Chico:  Jason Belveal

CSU Research Students:

San Bernardino State University: Jane Curnutt

CSU Faculty:

Rakesh Mogul (Pomona), Keith Schubert (San Bernardino), Ernesto Gomez (San Bernardino)


Juliana Capra, Natalie Jones, Anna Foutz, Crystal Sandoval

NASA and Affiliated Scientists and STUDENTS:

Chris McKay (NASA ARC), Liza Coe (NASA ARC), Heather Smith (NASA ARC), Parag Vaishampayan (JPL), and others TBD.

March 2011 roster

CSU Student Teachers: 

Cal Poly Pomona: Ruben Hovanesian, Sarah Saleemi, Michael Grigsby, Geoffrey Payton, Kara Rotunno, Andrea Gonzalez, Gerardo Solis Trujilo, Carly Gott, George Kaladjian, Amina Razzak, Alexandria Olano

San Francisco State University: Alexander Nguyen, Margaret Dominguez, Elizabeth Stratmore, Alixandria Torres-Vaughn, Brian Finley

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo:  Michaela Brant, Allison Scheppelmann, Jena Losch, Kristin Symer, Cassandra Guido, Raechel Harnoto

CSU Research Students:

San Bernardino State University: Jane Curnutt

CSU Faculty:

Rakesh Mogul (Pomona), Keith Schubert (San Bernardino), Ernesto Gomez (San Bernardino)


Natalie Jones, Anna Foutz

NASA and Affiliated Scientists and STUDENTS:

Liza Coe (NASA ARC), Rosalba Bonaccorsi (NASA ARC), Parag Vaishampayan (JPL), Gustavo Ramirez (JPL), Arsh Chopra (JPL), Geoff Chu (NASA ARC), Mary Beth Wilhelm (NASA ARC), Nicolette Hilton (Australia), Bonnie Buratti (JPL), Jim Thompson, and others.

(to be posted in March 2012)

March 2011